Chapter 21

Venessa's pov

I woke up by the sun shining bright through the curtains, directly into my eyes, I squinted my eyes together, letting out a yawn and stretching my arms. I sat up and leaned against my headboard, thinking about last night. My eyes immediately widened while I frantically looked around my room.

How the hell did I get in here?, I questioned myself, searching for any type of clue that last night was not just a dream. Please don't tell me it's a dream. I prayed when my eyes fell upon the bedside table at my left, where a bright yellow note sat.

A small smile formed on my face, thank god. I said as I reached over the note to read what it said.

"Sorry my love, I had to leave for an important meeting. Get ready I'm picking you for lunch and we'll discuss our wedding." I reread the note more than I can remember. I couldn't help but squeal at the thought of meeting him again.