Chapter 22

Vincent's P.O.V

The moment little rose opened the door, it was lucid that she wasn't expecting me but she quickly recovered and quickly let me in. Once inside, I went over to the coach and made myself comfortable. I look over to the television in front me and see a movie playing about the boy who lived, I snickered mentally. It's a miracle that I still remember that guy.

Making myself comfortable, and patted the couch, indicating rose to sit with me, which she did but hesitantly and I didn't fail to notice that. Once she was sitting beside me, I shamelessly took in her scent, she smells divinely, shea butter with a hint of mint. I'm not gonna lie, it's addicting making me want for more, but then suddenly, I remembered the reason why I was there for, I took in deep breaths not wanting to snap at her, I have to be gentle and patient, things that I suck at, in order to make her confide in me. It's going to be really difficult, but for her, I'm ready to do it.