Chapter 71: Forced To Rest

You'll need to tell us if you grow tired, Caspet told Bae.

Although the child she was carrying was Armel's, Caspet was just as protective of it as Armel was. Bae could feel his protectiveness through the bond that they all shared.

Don't worry, I will, Bae sent back to him. Her mind was distracted, however. Kori was walking only a short distance ahead of her, alongside his grandfather. His back was covered in the furs that the Nunsmen traditionally wore to keep warm within their mountainous home.

Was she this distracted when she first found me? She could hear Caspet within her mind, but his question was not aimed at her, so she chose to ignore it. Instead, her eyes remained on Kori.

She couldn't understand why you'd barely talk to her and then we sort of became friends, Armel answered. It was the first time I ever saw her jealous.

Her mates' voices were quiet for a moment before Armel continued, but the first time she met Kori, I wanted to kill him.

No, you didn't, Bae cut in.