Chapter 70: Seeing Kori Again

Those sitting in the carriage in front were in equally unpleasant moods. The Kumari's nails were digging into both of her mates' hands, as she tried to ignore the call of her Nunman mate's magic.

She'd met Kori once before and now she was eager to meet him again, although she did not doubt that it would be harder to leave him this time. It was still not the time for her to claim him and yet everything inside of her demanded it.

Her father and Arvin, Adelaide's father, were discussing who would accompany them through the mountains and Bae almost wished that Kori would not be amongst their guides. It would be easier if she didn't have to see him again until it was his time to be claimed.

Armel squeezed her fingers in his hand, a gentle reminder that she was not alone. He knew just how hard it had been for her the first time they met Kori and it brought some comfort to know that he'd be beside her when she met him again.