Even though they'd had a day's break between travelling, it was clear that no one wanted to continue their journey through the mountains. There was much grumbling, particularly from those towards the back of the travelling party.
Kori walked at the head of the group, avoiding conversation wherever possible.
He's alright, Armel told Bae softly in response to the concern that filled her thoughts.
She didn't need to tell him that she didn't believe him but that didn't stop her.
"You don't know that," she huffed under her breath.
Armel responded by leaning over and pulling her head towards him so that he could kiss her on the top her head.
"No, I don't," he said with a shrug.
Their progress was sluggish and Bae was convinced that Armel and Caspet were intentionally slowing her down. Today though, Bae was not rushing to reach her destination, but rather wishing that she could close the distance between herself and Kori.
He had never felt more unattainable and out of reach.