Chapter 93: Overrun With Suitors

Most of Bae's time was overrun by her suitors over the next few days. More so than it had been in either Canku or Laoshi. She presumed it was because the seven Ren were all staying within the Fort with her and so they seemed to think they could have free and unrestricted access to her.

Armel and Caspet were not particularly impressed, especially when they couldn't even eat a quiet meal or take a walk in one of the Fort's many gardens with their mate without being interrupted.

The three of them had barely found a moment alone since their first day in Kumai.

Now the two mates were sat waiting for Bae's return from one of her meetings. The first day after their arrival Bae had visited the smallest of the Kumaian lakes, Xiaohu, with Alasdair.

That had been the first test of Armel's patience.

He didn't like the idea of his mate leaving the city to go to the ground below without him, even if she did have over ten protectors and her brother with her.