Back at the Fort, Bae's father, Osamu was enjoying a cup of tea with Prince Gimu when a servant approached them and handed him a letter.
Immediately he recognised the seal.
"It's from Arvin," he said aloud.
Tearing the letter open, he began to skim the letter, checking that no one had been hurt. Since his daughter's Commencement, he had grown accustomed to the idea that correspondence usually brought bad news.
Relieved that no one appeared to be injured, he re-read the letter properly. Although no one was injured, it was clear that the missive did not bring good news.
Once he had finished reading, he allowed the paper to fall to his laps and his hands went to cup his face, as if rubbing the sudden onslaught of emotions clean from his skin.
"Do we know when we can expect the Kumari back?" he asked the Reigning Prince.
Gimu shook his head.
"They didn't say but I don't imagine it will be before nightfall. I believe they've gone to Pogpo."