Chapter 117: Teasing Rory

Everyone is already sat around the table when we get there. I take a seat next to my cousin Lance. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Up to mischief again, Roo?"

"Don't know what you're talking about," I blush.

"Sure..." he smirks at me. "Your pain meds must be bloody brilliant."

"I'm ignoring you." I turn away from him, much to Aileen and Ayden's entertainment. They are sat opposite me and they are giggling at me like a pair of children. They've become the best of mates over the last couple of days and are a bit of a handful.

"You two need to stop it," I scold them both.

Landon is sat on the other side of me. His hand is on my thigh under the table. He squeezes it gently, in silent support, but one look at his face tells me he finds the whole situation hilarious.

My father picks up his glass. "Children... enough."

"I'm not a child," Aileen scowls.

"Princess, you'll always be my little girl but you really do need to stop teasing your sister. You too Lance, Ayden."