The next few days are a bit of a blur. I'm still on a lot of pain medication. Everyone decided that since I'd missed Christmas, I would have to have a second one. It wasn't quite how I hoped Christmas would be this year. It was a million times better.
Landon's parents and his brother are staying at my parents' house with us for our makeshift Christmas - January 4th. My father's parents are visiting as well and my cousin Lance. The house is so full that my parents have relented and let Landon stay in my room with me. He's on a blow-up mattress at the foot of my bed, or at least that's where my parents think he is sleeping. I think the only reason that they've let Landon sleep in my room is that we are engaged and I have a broken shoulder so my parents don't think we could possibly have sex - just goes to show how naïve they can be.