Chapter 222: Maybe I'm Holding Us Back

I try to sleep for the first hour after he leaves but I can't do it.

Before I know it, I'm on the phone to Katie asking her to drop me off some work to do. She's laughing at me as she listens to me beg for something to keep me sane.

"I feel perfectly fine," I tell her when she walks into the flat. "Andrew's totally over-reacting."

"Well, he does love you, and you do look a tad peaky."

"Thanks, Katie. Whose side are you on, anyway?"

I scowl at her.

"Yours boss..." She grins. "That's why I brought you all this to do."

"Don't let Stephen destroy all our hard work. He's not allowed near my accounts, okay!"

I'm probably being overly protective, but I really don't trust him.


"I'm serious, Katie. He's bad news."

"You really don't like him. Will you ever tell me why?"

"One day."

"Right. Is there anything else you need?"

"Nah. This is great."
