Walker's POV:
"Where's Kentley?" John asks when I walk into the briefing room in search of coffee.
My team are all waiting for me to start our morning briefing. Alvin has already made a tray off coffees for us all and I'm quick to grab a mug before answering John.
"She's taken the day off for wedding stuff," I tell him. What I don't tell him is that I'd as good as forced her to. Although I'm not sure he needs telling. John knows what Georgia's like. He's like a second father to her.
"I bet she's enjoying herself," he says sarcastically.
"I don't know," I grumble. "She's not replying to my texts."
Truth is, I'm in the dog house. She left first thing this morning glowering at me. My little lioness think I don't know that she's scared out of her mind at the idea of getting married. But I'm not completely dull-witted and it's pretty obvious. She's not exactly trying to hide it.