Chapter 443: She's Teasing Me

The panic my words inspired in her is nothing to the panic her words cause me to feel. Fortunately, her face breaks into a wide smile after a moment and I realise she's teasing me. Bloody pain in the arse.

"You told me you want a big family ages ago," she says.

"I did?" I don't remember that.

"The first time you told me about all your siblings."

"Did I? If you say so."

I focus on my food as she searches through the list of houses, until she's made a list of almost ten houses. I'm grateful. That list might just keep her distracted for most of the day.

I'm not sure why I'm putting off visiting Lucy. Really, we should just get it over and done with.

We spend the next hour and half making appointments with various estate agents to view the properties. While I'm excited about the prospect of buying our first home together, she's just relieved to be escaping the apartment she bought with Darren. It's totally understandable. But I'm a little bit disappointed too.