One Step Closer

After that incident, the relationship between the two got one step closer day by day. Lisa starts to approaching Jennie herself slowly. Other than Jisoo, she always feels comfortable with her. And so does Jennie, she feels relax and safe having Lisa's presence around her. They both feel good having each other, these two were always together these days also got a bit clingy to eachother. What's more is that, recently Jisoo found that Lisa seems to be happier then before when she's around Jennie. Her smiles are appearing again in front of people instead of acting cold and always showing her poker face. Different emotions are now visible on Lisa, even though she's still not fully opening herself towards others. But still, it's a great improvement to be seen for the both of them.


[Jisoo's POV]

The School announce that we're gonna hold a talent show on the last day of school, since it's a talent show there's gonna be dancing right? Lisa is lately dancing a new choreography which I thought would be a great opportunity for her to show it on stage as a perform.

So I secretly went to the school board after class to look for the application form and sign Lisa's name on it performing her dance, also I wrote a note beside says, "please arrange me to perform last in show as a grand finale, thank you! -Lalisa Manoban." I wrote carefully to make it seemed like her handwriting.

"Ok now it's all done, let me go inform Lisa now." I walked towards the lockers to see if she's there but no, I asked if anyone sees Lisa on the hallway but there's no sign of her. "Aish, where did this monkey go?" I mumbled and started to feel annoyed because I can't find her anywhere. Ugh my feet feels sore now, why is this school so huge! I feel like I've walked the whole Europe.

"Think Jisoo, Think! Where else haven't I check." I massaged my head trying to think if there's any places I left off in the campus. I messed with my hair when I feel there's an idea coming close, "Right! The garden of course, why didn't I think of it earlier, stupid me!" I hit my head and go straight to where the garden is.

"There she is!" I took a glance at my watch, "Damn I literally wasted half hour just for finding this monkey." I was about to approach her when I saw Jennie is also there, so I decided to watch the two first at a far distance. Just by seeing Lisa's face, I could see how happy she is now. She keeps on smiling and giggling at what Jennie said, clearly shows how comfortable and relax she is right now. I'm really grateful to Jennie, Lisa's now slowly bringing out the real her. I've never seen Lisa smiled like that.

Yes, she does smile and laugh with me. But this time it's different, the smile she's having now, reached to her ears. I'm glad to see Lisa is changing, I never thought she could have this great progress within this few weeks after that incident happens to Jennie. Maybe fate brought them together at that moment, or Lisa is destined to be there for Jennie I guess. Looking at them, seeing Lisa like this made me form a big smile on my face. Anyways, let me go and inform my great decision for her, I'm hundred percent sure she'll thank me.

[Lisa's POV]

"YOU WHAT??!! OH MY FUCKING GOD! YAHH KIM JISOO ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!" I yelled at her unbelievably in frustration, my mind went blank after I heard what she did for me.

"Wow, that's an odd way to thank people but your welcome."

"Thank?? Thank who? You? What the hell Jisoo! What were you thinking, what am I supposed to do now?"

"Duh, of course to thank me giving you this great opportunity. And you're supposed to practice your dance now since you're gonna perform on last day of school and that's on Thursday, if I remembered right." She said wiggled her brows at me. Right now my blood burns, I'm running out of patience, I'll choke this chicken first.

"Come here Jisoo, let me thank you properly." I gritted my teeth said, showing her a fake smile.

She gulp while slowly walking backwards, "Umm you don't have to thank me, you know what? I just remember I still have something to do, I'll go first." She's turned and was about to leave when I grabbed her shoulders harshly and adding pressure on it made her groaned in pain.

"Omg my bones! It's gonna broke, ahhh, Jenduke help!"

"Oh shit unnie, Lisa? Hey Lisa look at me." She said then cupped my face and turn to her, our face was just inch apart, I could see every part of her face clearly. I slowly released Jisoo's shoulders as I look into her eyes.

"Inhale and exhale ok? Don't let anger took over you." I did what she said and felt better, she's really my comfort place. Even though it's only been months since we became close, but she could always clam me down. Just by looking at her makes me forget my stress of the day. I smiled secretly at my thoughts.

"I'm ok now, thanks Jen. Sorry chicken, you okay?" I asked chuckled a bit cause she's looking at me unbelievably.

"You nearly broke my bones, how is that supposed to be ok? And how come you are that strong?"

"Well, cause I have muscles that you don't have." I sad pointing at her belly. "Did you gained weight these days? Why does it seemed bigger than before." She then hit my arm.

"Just shut up you monkey, and these" She pointed at her belly, "These are healthy signs, look at you, you're too skinny, go eat some chicken." She said then rolled her eyes at me and walked away but then walked back again.

"Wait, I almost forgot, you'll need to go to the dance room to show your choreography first, then the practice will start from tomorrow. I'll go first, see you guys later."

"Oh crap I forgot she signed up for me, what should I do with that." I said rubbing my face frustrated.

Jennie then hold my hand and started walking. "You know what, unnie's right, it's a great opportunity for you to show yourself."

"But I can't, I-"

She cut my word then stopped and look at me, "You're just lack of confident, believe in yourself will you? It's your dream isn't? To be a professional dancer one day? Well now is your chance to show yourself, on a stage, not just behind the stage."

She's right, it's a chance to prove that I could be a professional dancer but still I'm not sure of it. "I'm not sure if I can do it, what if I blow up.." I said in a low tone looking down.

"You won't, trust me. If you can't do it for yourself, do it for me then." She showed me her gummy smile. This is just what I needed, her smile.

"I'll try. Let's go now, you coming?"

"Of course, lets goooo" She said dragging me towards where the dance room is, I just let her.


[Still Lisa's POV]

I'm now showing new choreography I was dancing recently. And as usual, there's my crazy little fan girls outside the classroom window watching me dancing. I smiled at them when they shouted my name but soon faded when I saw a kitten at the corner glaring at me. "Gosh I'm getting goose bumps, why's she looking me like that, she looks scary right now." I gulp and avoid eye contact with her.


"Yes, what is it Miss?" The teacher called my name and signaled me to go near.

"Oh it's just, do you need a partner for this dance? Cause I'm thinking it might combining the choreography better. You know I could be your partner, if you don't mind." She whispered the last part seductively beside my ear, her finger tracing my arm which made me felt uncomfortable.

"Uh.. sorry Miss but maybe next time, I'll be performing alone this time." I take a step backward and smiled awkwardly. She's about to come closer to me again when Jennie came and stand between us, thank god!

"Hey Lis, let's go home now, it's time. Sorry Miss, but we have to go now." She fake smiled leaving the dance teacher dumbfounded because she just showed up no where and dragged me out.

"Gosh why is everyone acting weird today." I mumbled don't understand why. "Thanks Jen, for saving me." I whispered to her.

She suddenly stopped and glare at me, "Don't you dare flirt again MANOBAN." She emphasized my last name making me gulp nervously.

"What? Flirt? Pffft, she's the one who seduced me Jen, I don't just flirt random people." I clarified.

"You better be." She said then released my hand harshly and walked away.

Is she jealous...? "Wait Jen, are you jealous?" I chased up beside her and ask, raised my brow.

She flinched, "Jealous? Why would I? I'm not." She said.

I could see her hiding her face not letting me see. "Why are you blushing then?"

"Who says I am."

"You're hiding your face, you only does that when you're blushing." I stated which made her hissed in annoyance.

"Ugh stop it, I'm not." She whined and speed up walking. Seriously how can she walk so fast with those cute short legs, I shook my head then follow up again."

"Let me send you home today." I offered but she just look at me blankly.

"How? Carry me? You forgot you don't have a car?" She scoff and rolled her eyes at me.

"I do have a car I just haven't got the license yet. And I have my bicycle with me today." I pointed at my bike.

"It's fine Lis, you'll get tired riding me with that. Just ne-"

I cut her words, "Nope, I insists, no buts. Come, hop on." I take my bicycle and pat on the back signaling her to sit. I heard her sigh when she sat down. "May I know your address Miss Jen?" I asked, I know she's rolling her eyes at me now.

"It's on East garden road *****. Ride slowly ok?"

"Copy ma'am. Hold tight please." She giggled then surround her arms on my waist and rest her head on my back, I smiled secretly and ride off.


After a few minutes, they arrived Jennie's house

[Jennie's POV]

I got off her bike and mumbled a thanks. I told her to ride safely and gave a kiss on her cheek before I bid her goodbye. I saw her blushed and holding her cheek when I went in the house. "cute" I mumbled as I went upstairs to my bedroom. My parents aren't home yet, they were usually home during dinner time, I'll just take a quick shower first then have some rest.

*Ten minutes later*

"Ugh what a tiring day" I said as I flopped on my bed. I checked my phone to see if there's any notifications but none. I turn over and stare at the ceiling thinking about earlier. Why would I be jealous, I'm straight right? I asked myself in mind. Maybe it's just I don't like to share my friends, I'm sure I'll do the same to my other friends. Then I remembered the dance teacher, "I think I should call dad to fire that bitch, she's flirting with my friend. Wait, Jennie what are you doing? Ughhh" I rolled on my bed trying to stop my messy minds, but then I thought about something which made me smiled unconsciously. She's really huggable and warm, I hugged the pillow and smile like an idiot then drift off to sleep while thinking of her warmness.

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