
There's only a few days more before the last day of school arrives. Lisa mostly spends her time in the dance room these days, practicing her dance again and again to make sure she memorized every moves of the choreography. She forgets everything and immerse herself in the music during her dances. Letting her body take over the control, moving against with the melody, making her dance moves smooth and natural. This is also one of the reasons why people admire her a lot. Because whenever she dances, it's not just any simple dance performs but a story that has never been told.

Lisa is now again at the dance room alone, just finished practicing her moves. She's sweating hard like she just came back from a swim and her clothes are super wet so she decides to get change first before went to Jennie. When she removed her shirt someone came in the room without knocking.

"Oh hey Lisa" It's the dance teacher Niki, she then noticed Lisa is only with sports bra now reveling her hot body shape with those abs. Gosh she's even hotter without her shirt, I wonder how would it be if she's naked. She thought then smirked and walk towards Lisa sexily.

"Umm Mi-miss..?" Lisa become nervous as Niki went closer and closer to her until she whispered something on her ear made she stiffened on her spot. "I'm-m sor-ry what?" Lisa asked can't believe what she just heard from her teacher.

"I said, you just made me horny." Niki said seductively and licked her lips, her hands started to tracing on Lisa's toned abs.

Lisa tried to push Niki away, "Miss please don't do this." Lisa said in a serious cold tone but it didn't stop Niki's actions right now because she's feeling really horny at the time.

[Jennie's POV]

Nowadays Lisa would ride me home using her bike, at first I disagreed with it cause she's gonna be tired riding uphill, but she insists, so I can't do anything about it and just let her. It's fine though, at least I could hug her everyday before I went home. Still! I'm straight! Anyways, Lisa texted me a while ago saying that she'll be here at 2, but I've waited for another 25 minutes now, and still no sign of her, where the heck is she. "Ugh maybe I'll just go to her."

I was walking through the hallway and when I reached the dance room the door was slightly opened. "Huh? Is she gone already?" Then I opened the door slowly seeing what's happening in there made me jaw drop and my blood boils. Why the fuck is Lisa with her top naked!! And why is that bitch so close to her! Shit she's touching my Lisa's body , can't she see Lisa is uncomfortable! Wait my Lisa? Aish, nevermind I'll deal with my mind later. I then furiously walk over to them and cleared my throat.

"Ahem, busy doing something?" I raised my brow at Niki, crossed my arms and fake smiled.

They both got startled when they heard my voice, Niki then back a step from Lisa and gave me a look like I ruined her moment, while Lisa just mouthed me a thank you.

"Oh we were having a good time before you came, right Lisa?" She said then touch Lisa's abs again right in front of me! Gosh I swear this bitch.

"Lisa wear your clothes and lets go. And you, you flirty bitch. You're fired." I said in a cold tone and showed her my bitchy face, she just scoffed at what I said and rolled her eyes like it's a joke. Well no wonder she's like that since she doesn't know who I am. I smiled secretly when I snatch my phone out and called my dad walking towards the door with Lisa.

*On the phone*

"Hello dad, how are you?"

"Hey sweetie, I'm fine, why are you calling all of a sudden? Something happened?"

"Oh I was thinking if you can do me a flavor?" I use my baby voice to make sure he'll say yes even though he never really says no to me, but just in case.

"Of course princess, what is it?"

"Well, it's just recently I found out that our school dance teacher Niki keeps on flirting with her student." I said as I turned around looking at Niki and smirked. "And today I saw her flirting again, with my friend. Can we fire her already?

"Hmmm, if that's the case, sure princess, I'll send her a message later."

"Thanks dad! Bye love you! See you at home!" I said kissing my phone making him giggled.

"Ok princess, love you too bye!" He said then we hung up.

As soon as we hung up, Niki's phone beeped showing up a message. I saw her widened her eyes then look at me, well that's fast. I smirked at her and flipped my hair before I went out. Lisa just followed me out before she talk.

"You know you don't have to do that Jen." She said made me stop and look at her seriously.

"Oh instead of thanking me you are telling me this? For what? So that you can continuing it with her next time?" I used my bitchy tone and rolled my eyes at her.

"Come on Jen, that's not what I meant." She grabbed my hand and said.

I heaved a sigh. I have no idea why I'm acting like this, but it really makes me wanna kill that bitch when I saw how close they are. Maybe I'm just a overprotective person, I just don't like anyone getting close to my bestie here, especially those flirts out there. "It's ok Lili, let's just head home now, you need rest."

She look at me surprised, "Lili?"

"Yea, that's my new nickname for you."

"Oh cool, I'll call you Nini then." She said and smiled lovingly at me.

I showed her my gummy smile and cling on her arm. "Let's go, or it'll be late for us to ride your old quirky bike. I laughed and dragged her away before she could complain anything.


The day has arrived, the performers are now at the back stage preparing themselves, including Lisa. Jennie, Jisoo, Nayeon and Irene are now with Lisa at the back stage comforting her, because Lisa is now not feeling well due to the tension in her chest.

[Lisa's POV]

The talent show has started and I'm now at the back stage with my friends, hoping they could calm me down, but they aren't helping at all, especially Nayeon and Jisoo. I told them I'm feeling hot and my temperature keeps on rising because I'm too nervous now, but what they did is they grabbed a bottle of water. At first, I thought it's for me to drink, but no. They splash the water onto my face causing my custom all wet and my hair ruined.

"What the hell?!" Irene and Jennie both said in shock.

"She said she's hot, so we cooled her down." Nabong said and Jisoo nodded like they saved me. I would really want to kill them right now but I have no time, I'll need to change my clothes and redo my hair, thanks to these two. I rolled my eyes at them and left to the make up room, Jennie followed. I chuckled hearing Irene unnie scolding them for what they just did at back before I left.

"Ugh, those two crackheads." I said sitting down asking the stylist to help redo my hair.

"At least they distracted your attention and you're not nervous now." She said and my face went blank.

"Well I am now, thanks for the reminding." I said sarcastically feeling all the tense coming back to me again.

She grabbed my hand and caressed it, "Inhale and exhale. Just relax ok? You are a pro, but only few people knows that. And right now, you're just proving it and showing them the skills you got. Just be like when you're dancing, stop thinking too much and let your body take over you for now. Okay Lili?"

"Hmmm okay." I said as the worker called me.

"Lalisa Manoban is next, please get ready."

"Okay it's time Lili, relax ok? Remember what I said." She remind me ok.

"Can I see your gummy smile again before I go? I asked and pouted made her laughed then showed me her gummy smile, the best smile in the world. I pinched her cheeks and quickly gave her a peck on her cheek before I went to the waiting area, blushing. "Oh my god, did I really just did that?" I chuckled at my reaction and practice my moves for the last time before going on stage.

[Jennie's POV]

I hold my red cheek as I went back to the audience where Irene unnie and others were. Irene looked at me weirdly as I sat beside her.

"Why are you smiling like that? And why are you so red?" She raised her brow at me.

"Huh? What? Oh nothing, it's just hot in here." I shrugged my shoulders and focus on the stage when the host announce that Lisa is performing next. But then the crowds at front went wild when the lights went off and Lisa appeared standing at the middle with her hot outfit.



Girl 3: "MAKE ME YOURS!!"




I rolled my eyes irritatingly after hearing all those yelling, gosh these idiots. "Shut up you bitches, I can't hear the music."

"Who the hell are you, back off! You disturbing me watching my wife." One of the girl said.

"Oh okay." I said then I went out for a while.

"Where's she going? Yow where you going Jenduke." Jisoo unnie yelled.

I asked for 4 speakers from the office and went back to the auditorium.

"Guys here, take one." I said giving each of them one speaker.

"What's this for mandu?" Nabong asked.

"Stand up guys." I stood up and turned on the speaker and started yelling through it making everyone at the front startled also the three.

"What the heck you bitch." The same girl yelled at me I just showed her my bitchy face as I continued yelling Lisa's name through the speaker. Then I look at the three beside me who are dumbfounded.

"The heck you guys looking at, open your speakers and support Lisa you bitches." I used my bitchy tone and command them to yell as I did.


[Other's POV]

"Dang, what's wrong with this kitten." Jisoo asked confusedly.

"No idea." Nabong said shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess she's jealous" Irene said.

"About what?" Jisoo asked

"The girls going crazy for Lisa" Irene replied and opened her speaker started yelling Lisa's name.

"Why? Aren't they just friends?" Jisoo said in a confuse tone.

"Friends also get jealous chicken, or maybe it's something more. Let's just support Lisa first so we won't die later, this kitty is scary when she's crazy." Nayeon said and started yelling, Jisoo as well.

*After the show*

So the winner of the Eighth talent show of Seoul city Junior high is..... Lalisa Manoban! Congratulations Miss Manoban. The host said as he hand the awards to Lisa,

"Any words Miss Manoban?"

"Oh um, first thank you all for the supporting and especially my friends over there at the back. Thank you for always being there for me, and of course a big thank to Miss Jennie Kim comforting me at the back stage a while ago and yes I did it, for you, for us." I said as I smiled and bowed before walking down the stage thanking everyone.

[Back to Jennie's POV]

What she said made me blushed, "For me? For us?" I repeated, smiled like an idiot when Irene suddenly spoke.

"Jennie? Hey back to earth!"

"Aish, what!" I irritated said.

"Those crazy fans are approaching your Lisa." She smirked.

"What do you mean my Lisa, we are just friends, stop smirking, you look weird. Oh shoot, those bitches! Un uh no! There's no way Imma let them get near to Lisa."

I said as I rushed over and squeeze into the crowd easily and get Lisa away from them. Woah, sometimes being short do have advantages. I chuckled at my thought while bringing Lisa outside to the field.

"Phew finally." I said as I lay on the grass and closed my eyes.

"You really are my life saver Nini, thanks for saving me from those crazy girls back there."

"Oh yea those flirts, I'll expel them all." I covered my mouth quickly as I didn't realized I speak it out loud and clear.

She giggled, "Don't let jealousy take over you. I'm all yours."

I blushed hard when I heard she said she's all mine. "What do you mean you're all mine, and I'm not jealous, why would I be jealous?"

"Cause I'm hot and there's many girls out there chasing me." She said arrogantly.

"EW no, sometimes you are really full of yourself, and again, don't you flirt with anyone!" I warned.

"Because I am that great, and I told you already I won't, and I'm all yours. The only one I would flirt with, is You." She said pointing her finger at me. I know I'm now red like my face is gonna blow up.

"Ugh stop it already." I said in annoyance, but smiled secretly and stood up walked away fast.

"Yah mandu wait for me!"

I turned back at stick out my tongue at her, "catch me if you can." I said and ran off as fast as I can with my short legs, aish now this legs aren't helping.

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