Till You Ready


Lisa and Jennie's relationship have gotten better and stronger throughout the past few years during their junior high. Just by one single look or move, they both will know what she wants or what's she up to now. They always shared everything to each other, Lisa has now opened her heart to Jennie, but still not fully. She told everything to her, except the deep secrets. Not because she's not ready, but due to some consequences that might happened afterwards. And she doesn't want that to happen, so she chose to keep it until the right time comes.

Years have past and they are now high school freshmen. The talent show 3 years before was shown on news and after that, Lisa has been well known of her dance skills over different schools in Seoul, which some of the talent scouts have also came to find Lisa and ask if she's interested in joining their companies, but Lisa denied it all saying cause of some personal issues.

And of course Jennie wouldn't buy that, she knows how Lisa is dying about dancing and having her own dance studio one day, even though she got other hobbies she want to achieve but dancing would still be the first on her list.

[Jennie's POV]

It's first day of school of our freshman year, can't believe how fast time passed. It feels like yesterday we just finish celebrating Lisa's won on the talent show back in junior high, and now you're telling me we are on the stage turning to high school puberty weirdos already. Anyways, we now finished our classes for today and now heading to the cafeteria for lunch. We also ordered some take outs also cause the school lunch isn't too good today.

"Nabong, Unnies, you guys can head to the cafeteria first, me and Lisa will just go get the take outs."

"Sure, be quick, I want my chicken" Jisoo pouted and said.

"Stop pouting, you aren't cute at all." Lisa said made Jisoo smack her head.

"Aish, I'm sure someone out there will think I'm cute. Just shut up and go you monkey." She hissed then rolled her eyes at her.

"Okok guys stop bickering, Lili let's go." I grabbed her hand and head out to the school gate preventing Lisa to bicker back. Sometimes when these two crackheads started bickering, it would took them hours to stop. We are now at the school gate waiting for the delivery guy when someone approached us. Well... approached Lisa, to be more specific.

"Hello, are you Lalisa Manoban? The girl who won the talent show with her dance few years ago, right?"

"Yes I am. Um, what can I do for you?

"Oh, it's my pleasure to meet you Miss Manoban, I'm Jay. Do you have any interest to join us the YG entertainment? We watched your dance videos, and turns out we really admire your dance skills, and you are the person who we needed right now in our company. We will provide you a studio which you can work the dance choreography there, also you'll be having your own dance covers. I heard that you could also sing which is great, cause that means after you got well trained and when you're ready, you'll be having your own concerts tour not just in Asia, but around the world." The guy said assured a smile making sure Lisa would agree on this. I smiled widely hearing all the offers, it was such a great chance for her to develop her name worldwide, but my smile faded as soon as I heard her answer.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'll have to reject it, sorry sir. Right now I just want to focus on studies, sorry again due to my personal issues." Lisa smiled apologetically then bowed.

"Well it's fine Miss Manoban, I understand. But in case you changed your mind, here's my name card. I'll be going now ladies, still got many things to deal with, Ciao!" He winked at us before went to where he's car his and drive off.


"Oh the food is here, let me go get it." She said went towards the delivery guy. I left out a sigh, she's avoiding this topic again.

"Come on let's go Jen."

"Kay." I said as I followed her back to the cafeteria.

"Finally! What took you guys so long!" Nayeon whined.

"Oh a sta-"

"The delivery guy is late, he met a traffic, that's why." Lisa cut me off and lied to them. I furrowed my brows at her, but she avoided my eyes and sat down. I decide to let it go first and sat beside her as I opened our orders giving the chickens to Jisoo unnie, salmon sushi for Nayeon, french fries for Lisa, and salads for me and Irene unnie. We were just eating quietly when Irene spoke.

"So Lisa..."


"What you gonna do after this? I mean like weren't there many companies asking you to sign with them these days?"

Irene asked made us all turn to Lisa, waiting for her answer. Lisa stopped eating her fries after heard what Irene asked. She closed her eyes for while and heaved a sigh before she look at us and said, "I don't have plans with that yet. I just want to focus on my study first." She said playing with her fries. The others all hummed as in response, but I'm not buying it. I know she's lying, something's up on her mind. Something's fishy, I have a feeling that there's something blocking her way, which caused her to made this decision. Dancing is her dream, and she's not that kind of person who give up easily.

"Guys I'll just go for some fresh air." Lisa said then stood up and left.

I was about to follow but Jisoo stopped me, "Why unnie?"

[Jisoo's POV]

"Give her some space first Jenduke." I know what's she thinking but no, now is not the right time. It's not Jennie the one I'm worry about, it's Lisa. I'm afraid she might let anger took over her, cause she always does when she's stressed. "Just let her be for some minute." I suggest.

"Ok." She sighed then sat back.

I'm sorry if Lisa hasn't tell you yet, but I'm sure she has a reason, it's just too complicated. I'm sure when the right time comes, she'll tell you everything. I took a glance at Jennie who's quite anxious now, she keeps on moving on her seat, wanting to go to her Lili desperately. I chuckled silently then snatch out my phone and ask where Lisa is.

*On Chat*

Jisoo: Yow Monkey where you at?

Lisa: Secret spot.

Jisoo: You cool now?

Lisa: Kinda?

Jisoo: Kay, I'll let Jennie go over then?

Lisa: Mkay.

I put my phone back as I lean to Jennie and whisper to her ears, "Secret spot, talk calmly okay?" I remind, she nodded then quickly stood up and left.

"Where's she going suddenly?" Nayeon asked in confuse.

"Lisa of course." Irene said made me surprised.

"How do you know?"

"Instinct. You know what guys? I have a feeling that Jennie likes Lisa, and so does Lisa."

Nayeon chocked on what Irene said, I passed her a cup of water and pat her back. "But how?"

"Remember the jealousy back then? And how they look at each other? I bet there's something between them."

"What if you are wrong? You know friends gets jealous too, and how they look at each other? Maybe it's just a bestie look, they cherish each other a lot, we all know that." Nayeon said.

To be honest, that's the first time Nayeon said something that's not stupid. I then have a thought, "What if it's one-sided."

I said made them all look at me. "One-sided? What do you mean?" They both asked.

"You know like, only one has this feeling, and the other one doesn't."

They nodded, "just a guess though. Anyways, if they're real, I'll ship them."

"Same! We should name them, hmmmm." Irene said.

"Oh oh! I got an idea! Jennie and Lisa, Jenlisa! How's it?" Nayeon said made me and Irene look at her shock. "What, why are you guys looking at me like that? Something on my face?"

"Omg our Nabong is talking sense now! Can you believe she just gave out a great idea unnie?" I fake cried.

"I know right, oh my gosh, Nabong is growing finally." Me and Irene both fake cried making Nayeon hissed then rolled her eyes at us and showed her poker face. We then laughed out loud.

"Aish, you guys are really annoying, especially you chicken." She said in an irritated tone then left me and Irene who's laughing continuously.

[Jennie's POV]

I'm now at the garden with Lisa, she's not talking and just staring at the sky.

"Penny for you thoughts?" I asked made her smiled and look at me.

"Just thinking about something."

I left out a sigh, "Lili... please tell me what's happening. I know something is wrong." I said in a concerned tone hoping she would tell me.

"I told you already, it's just I wanna focus on m-"

I cut her words and groaned, "Come on Lisa! Enough saying that! I know it's not true! You can lie to the others, but not me! I know you more than I know myself! It's your dream isn't it? Why are you letting this chance to get away, how about your future? Are you planning to give up?"

"No I'm not, it's just." She left out a sigh. "I- I don't know." Her voice trembled a bit.

"Something's blocking your way, am I right?" I asked and she nodded. I sighed then went near and hug her. "Just let it out, Lis, let it all out.." As soon as she said, she started to cry. This is the first time I saw her crying and it hurts me a lot seeing her break down like this, she always shows her positive and strong sides only. I pat her back, keep mumbling it's okay, try to calm her down. When she stops crying I pulled out the hug and wipe her tears away using my thumbs.

"I'm sorry Jennie, that I still can't tell you what's really happening, it's ju-st, just." She sobbed.

"Shh, it's fine Lili, take your time. I can wait, I'll always be here. Whenever you're ready, I'm all ears." I said and show her my gummy smile, I know she loves seeing my gummy smiles. She told me it could light up her moods and ease her stress every time. And there, a smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you Nini, for always understanding me." She said, look into my eyes.

For couple of minutes, we were just staring at each other, those beautiful brown eyes, I'll never forget those. I thought, smiled widely. "Let's go? You're still riding me home with that quirky bike remember? I giggled.

"It's not quirky at all okay? It's called unique." She said proudly.

"If you say so." I shrugged my shoulders as she smiled in victory. "But still quirky though." I mumbled.

"Huh? You said something?"

"Nah, let's go, your UNIQUE bike is waiting for us." I emphasized the word unique and laughed, then I kissed her cheek to prevent her continue this conversation. "Lets go Lets go" I said in my baby voice, she chuckled and pinched my nose.

"Copy that my Nini."

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