
"Lisa! Obey!" Someone yelled.

"I had it enough! It's my life! Not yours!" Lisa yelled back.

"How dare you!" He slapped her. "I did all this for you!"

"For me?" Lisa laughed sarcastically, "You did this for yourself asshole!" She said then spit on his face.

"Ugh!" He slapped her again and took out a picture from his pocket. "Recognize who this is." He smirked and grabbed her hair to lift her head up.

Lisa widened her eyes, "Jennie... where did you get this?"

"I have my ways. Maybe I should meet her, to know her better, don't you think?" He smiled evilly.

"Don't you dare touch her you monster!" Lisa yelled angrily trying to get rid of the men that's grabbing her arms.

"Let's see. Gotta go now." He laughed insidiously.

"No! Nonono!"


"NOOOOOO!" Lisa yelled bounce up from her bed. She look at her surroundings and left out a sigh, rubbing her facing, feeling relieved, "Thank god it's just a dream." She then took a glance at the clock, it's already 3 AM, still four more hours before she'll have to get ready for school. "Ugh, it's still early now, my head hurts." Lisa hold her head then lay back on bed and drift off to sleep again.

Morning arrives, sunshine went into the Jennie's room causing her room filled with morning light.

[Jennie's POV]

"Hrmmm." I groaned as I felt the sunshine on my face. I opened my eyes seeing sunlight crossing in making my room warm. The weather is great, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, hmm signs when a great day starts! I thought as I stood up and start my morning routine as usual. After finish showering, I stand in front my closet thinking what I should wear today.

"Which one should I wear today..." I was thinking deeply when someone knock on the door, "Come in!" I said.

"Morning sweetie, breakfast is ready."

"Morning mom, ok be right there. Wait mom, can you help me choose what I should wear? This one or this one? I can't decide." I asked pouting made mom chuckled and walk over.

"Hmm, let's see. I would say this one." Mom said, pointed the clothes placed on the left.

I clap my hands as in agree, "Great, let me go change now." Few minutes later, I came out with the outfit my mom chose. "How's it? I asked looking at my mom.

"You're gorgeous honey, it's perfect!"

I flash a big smile on my face and went to kiss her cheek. "Thanks mom! Let's go eat now." Mom nodded and we went down stairs together to the dinning room. Dad was reading newspaper by the table before he saw us coming.

"Morning princess, woah, fashion queen today huh?" He said wiggled his brows at me, I chuckled at my dads silliness.

"Yup, fashion queen it is. Need a sign?" I said, being professional.

"HAHA funny one, so how's sleep?"

"Good. By the way Dad, You going to office today?"

"Nope, I'm going to school today, there's something I need to check, Oh and there's a surprise for you also."

I look at him, "Surprise? What is it?"

"Just wait and you'll see."

I whined, "Why don't you just tell me now?"

"It won't be a surprise then princess." He chuckled.

"Fine, I'll leave now, bye dad, bye mom." I kissed on their cheeks before I went to the driver who's driving me to school every morning. He used to pick me up after school also, but I told him that he doesn't have to anymore since Lisa would be the one sending me home now.

"We are here Miss Kim."

"K, Thanks walter, see ya." I said and went out the car. I stopped walking and look around to see where the surprise is, but I guess it's at somewhere else. I started to walk again when I spot someone familiar. "Lili..?" I squinted my eyes to see if that's her and it is. But why is she walking with her eyes closed. "Oh My Gosh!" I said cover my mouth and ran over to her.

[Lisa's POV]

I'm tired as hell right now thanks to the nightmare last night made me can't sleep after I woke up from it. I've arrived school and walking lazily on the campus plaza with my eyes closed cause the sun is too big making me literally can't open my eyes. But then I suddenly tripped over my foot and fell into the fountain. And the biggest problem is I CANT SWIM!

"AHHH OH MY I- Pl-E- guluum pfa- He-L-m-P" I said struggling, started drowning, oh my god I don't wanna die this young, please someone help. I was hoping I could be save when I feel someone came in and pulled me out. I laid on ground breathing heavily and coughed out some water. I opened my eyes to see who saved me and turns out it's Jennie.

"Omygad, Thank you so much Jen." I said keep breathing heavily cause of what just happened.

"Gosh Lili, are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

"Yes, thank you for saving me." But then she hit my chest, "Ouch, what's that for?" I pouted.

"Open your eyes while walking next time!" Then she help me stand up. "Come on let's go or we'll be late."

"Okie Nini." I said and hold her hand then walk inside the building.

As soon as we got to our classroom, Nayeon rushed to us.

"Yo guys, you heard the news? There's a new student coming."

"Oh who?" Jennie asked.

"No idea yet, but it's a guy."

"Yo guys! You know there's a new student coming?" Jisoo came in and said.

"Yes I'm telling them right now chicken." Nayeon said and rolled her eyes.

"Oh O-"

"Guys Guys, there's a new stu-"

"Yes we know that already!" We all said in union made Irene smiled awkwardly.

"Well, guess I'm the latest to know then." Irene scratch her head.

We all just rolled our eyes at her and went back to our seats waiting for the teacher to come. Minutes later, teacher came in with a guy behind him, I guess that's the new kid then.

"Ok introduce yourself please." Teacher said.

The guy nodded and step out in front when suddenly someone shouted made us all startled.


"Miss Kim, any problem?"

"Oh nope, sorry." Jennie bowed and sat back.

The guy just smiled and started speaking, "Hi, I'm Kim Taehyung, you can call me V or Tae."

"Ok go find yourself a sit, class begins now."

V walked over to Jennie then sat beside her, I saw Jennie hugged him tightly then I suddenly felt sad. Why am I feeling this? She's just my friend isn't it? Why? I kept asking myself the same question, am I started to falling for her? No Lisayah, we are just friends, you're just overthinking. I look back to the whiteboard and listen to class.


"Okay kids, this will be due on Monday, please remember to do it during the weekends."

"Okay sir, bye." We bowed and left the classroom. I head to the locker first to put my things since Jennie is busy with that new guy. I know I'm jealous now but still, I try to not act obvious. But I just can't help it seeing them together. My eyes burns when I saw them walking on the hallway clingy to each other.

"YAH stop pinching my cheeks." Jennie whined.

"You're just too cute baby mandu." V said poking her cheeks.

Really? BABY MANDU? What are they? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Ugh I can't take this. I rolled my eyes and walked pass between them, bumped V's shoulder.

"Woah Hey." He exclaimed.

"Sorry, not sorry." I fake smiled and continued walking.

[Jennie's POV]

"The heck is wrong with her, that's your bestie? She's rude." V said massaged his shoulder.

"Aish, lets go now, I'm starving." Is she jealous, I thought, well let me tease her more then.

We arrived the cafeteria and I'm finding where Lisa is when I spot her with those three. "There she is!" I mumbled and dragged Tae over.

"Yo slow down you mandu."

"Hey guys, sorry we're late, cause of him." I said rolled my eyes at Tae. He mouthed me a what and I just ignored. I look at Lisa who's now not facing my side at all so I cleared my throat.

"Ahem, Tae would you please go and grab me foods, please." I use my baby voice and look at him with puppy eyes.

"Okie baby mandu." He giggled when I thank him and kissed his cheeks. I glance at Lisa and I saw her rolled her eyes secretly, I chuckled at her reaction. I never thought she could be this cute when she's jealous, wait Jen what? Aish nevermind.

"Lis why aren't you eating?" Nayeon asked.

"I'm full."

"Huh? But you didn't even touch your food." Jisoo said confusedly.

"Are you jealous?" Irene suddenly asked making Lisa startled.

"Jealous? Why? Of what?"

"You know what." Irene said.

"No way, are you-" I played along but she cut my words.

"I said I'm not!" She said, annoyed. We just laughed at her.

"Okok, you're not." I said when V got back with a tray of foods.

"Here baby mandu, your food."

"Thanks." I grabbed the plate with my foods.

"Hey V, so what's the relationship between you two, you guys seems very close." Jisoo asked made me smirked and look at Lisa.

"Oh we are cousins." I shortly replied then Lisa turn to face me widened eyes. The other three also smirked at her cause of her reaction.

"Well, Lisa how ar-" Jisoo was about to finish her words when Lisa grabbed a bread and put it in her mouth.

"Um, nice to know that, and sorry for earlier bumping into you." She smiled awkwardly and apologized to V.

"Oh.. Its fine man."

"Cool." They said and did a fist bump.

Wow that was quick for them to get cool, I thought. Lunch today is fun, we kept joking around and turns out, Lisa and Tae really gets along well. They even started to call each other bro, I have no idea Lisa can get along with people that quick, like I spent months to be her friend. Well, something it's just unpredictable. They headed back to the lockers to get their things while me and Lisa chose to have a walk on the field.

"Jen.." Lisa suddenly spoke.


"Do you think I made the right decision?" She asked made me furrowed my brows at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Denying the company offers." She sighed.

I stopped at the bench in front and sat down, she followed and sat beside. "Well, you must do that for a reason, right?" She nodded. "Then that's it. I'm sure you know what you are doing." I showed her a smile but she looked down.

"But I'm so confused. About all the decisions I made." She rubbed her face in frustration.

"Hey Lili look at me." I put her hands down and cup her face to make her look at me. " Things happen for a reason, right? So as your decisions, just go with it, I'm sure it will turn out right."

She hold my hand on her face and mumbled a thank you. "I'll always stay with you Lili." I said as I leaned my head on her shoulder and she rest hers on mine then put her arms around my shoulder. "I hope it can turn out right though, I hope..." I thought, sighed slightly and closed my eyes, letting the breeze blow on us.

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