Pool Party

"Lili..." Jennie slowly said. They are now in the garden, Jennie asked Kai to give them some space so she could talk to Lisa, Kai was not happy at first but he agreed eventually. She called Lisa's name slowly but she just hummed in response not looking at her. "Lili, I'm sorry for not telling you at first, it's cause I-" Lisa puts her hand up, telling her to stop.

"It's fine."

"But-" Lisa cut her words again.

"Nini, it's fine, really. I'm actually happy for you." Lisa said and forced a smile. "It's just that I'm upset that you kept it from me, this could count as a quite important thing right?

"Yes and I'm explaining right now so stop cutting my words and let me finished it." Jennie hissed and rolled her eyes, made Lisa giggled a bit. "I'm not sure of it." She left out a sigh then continued, "That's why I chose to not tell you."

"What do you mean by not sure?" Lisa asked, look at Jennie confused.

"You know... Maybe it's more like a trial instead of a serious relationship.." Jennie said made Lisa furrowed her brows, even more confused.

"Huh? Trial? Aren't you happy with him?"

Jennie messed her hair, sighed before she look at Lisa and talk again, "What I mean is, we're still young. And yes we are now happy with each other. But all of this." She said then stood up, pointing at the stuffs Kai gave her as gifts, then sat down and continued, "None of this represents anything about us. We are happy now, but just for now. We don't know what's gonna happen next yet. For him.. well it's his second relationship but for me, it's my first time. I won't know if he's the right one, what if this feelings will faded soon. Plus, we are still young now, there won't be serious relationships for us right now, even if there is, I won't agree with it, cause I'm not ready, so that's why I said it's like a trial and chose to not let you know."

"So all of this... it's only a game for you?" Lisa asked, feeling weird and nervous at the same time, heart beating fast. She's happy that she's not sure of Kai so she still has a chance, but on the other hand she's afraid what if someday they're together, and Jennie just see it as a game.

"No, of course not. For now, I might not treat it seriously, but it's not a game for sure. I'm just saying that, we are still young, still figuring things out. When we turned into matured grown ups, that's when the times we are having serious relationships. Love will never be a game for me, but more like a story between me and the one I love, commitments, trusts, the sincere." Jennie said, a smile flash on her face, same as Lisa.

Knowing Jennie thinks like that makes her happy. "So she knows what' she doing, glad she doesn't see relationship as a game." Lisa thought, keeping smiling and staring at Jennie's face. But I wonder do you feel the same or even if you do, what if I don't have the guts to tell you." She thought again, turning to face the sky, her smile turned into a sad one.


It's Saturday today and Lisa is now at home alone. She suddenly feels hungry so she went down stairs to the kitchen looking for some food, but she can't find any. She opened the fridge to see if there's any left overs, but it's empty. So she decides to go to the mart and shop for some groceries. While she's choosing some good quality beefs someone approached her.

"Yow Lis, is that you?

"Oh hey V, what you doing here?"

"Shopping for tonights party, you?"

"Out of foods at home." I said shaking my head.

"I see, by the way bro, you coming or not?" V asked.

"Go where?"

"The party tonight duh." V rolled his eyes playfully.

"Oh let me ask for permission first." Lisa said grab out her phone, walk a bit far from him and dial the number.

*On phone*

"Dad, my friends invite me to a party tonight."

"Jisoo going?" He asked. I hummed as in a yes.

"Back before by 10 p.m." He said coldly then hung up.

I put my phone back to pocket and walk towards V.

"Done bro, I'll go, but I have to be home by 10."

"Fine, cool enough."

"Where's the party at?"

"Oh at Jennie's, a pool party, we'll start at 6" He said I just nodded.

"I'll be there at 7 then."

"Great, see you then man. Oh and the beef on right is better." He said pointed the beef then pat my back and left. I just chuckled and chose the beef he suggests.


[Jennie's POV]

I just finished preparing for our party tonight, my parents are out of town today, that's why they are having it at my place, even though it's at my house but its V's idea to have this party. Thanks to Kai so I can finish preparing on time, it's almost 6 now. I heard that Lisa is coming at 7, so I also prepared some of her favorite foods for her.

"Hey babe." Kai walked over then kissed my cheeks.

"Hi baby." I showed him my gummy smile.

"Are the others coming now?"

"Oh yea, I texted them a while they-" Then the door bell ring. "Oh it's them, I'll go get the door." I stood up and jog to open the door.

The door opened, revealing Jisoo and others behind her, "Yow yow Jenduke!"

"Hey unnie, hey guys, come in." I said as I opened the door fully. "Make yourself at home guys, there's foods in the kitchen and barbecue by the pool."

"BARBECUE!" Nayeon and Jisoo shouted then quickly ran over to where the pool is. I shook my head and chuckled at their reaction.

"Yo coz, here's some other snacks I bought." V said as he put down a bag of groceries.

"Woo thanks, never thought you'll buy anything." I raised my brows at him and giggled.

"Well it's my idea to have a party so yeah." He laughed slightly and walk towards the pool.

We started the party first since Lisa is gonna come one hour later. The music is loud, with great atmosphere surround. We were having lots of fun, eating, dancing, swimming. Suddenly the door bell rings again.

"Oh that must be Lisa." I said as I got up from the pool, wet.

"Babe dry yourself first or you might slip." Kai said as he throw me a towel.

"Thanks babe." I catch the towel and dry myself before run towards the door.

I opened the door slowly, when I saw it's Lisa standing their I showed her my gummy smile.

"Hai Lili, come in!" I said but she just stood there looking at me, well more like my body. I saw her sweating hard and gulped multiple times. "Lili you okay? Is there something on me?" I asked, looking down to my body.

"You look so hot Jen..." She mumbled something slowly but I can't hear clearly.

"What? You're hot? huh?" I asked confusedly

"Huh? What? Nothing..hhh... sorry I was just thinking something, I brought some beef also, cause Tae told me you guys are also having barbecue." She said chuckled awkwardly then hand me a bag with some beef inside.

"Oh it's fine we have enough foods already."

"Save it for tomorrow then." She said and winked at me made me blushed a little.

"Aish, sometimes she's really a flirt." I mumbled and lead her to the pool area.

"Guys Lisa's here."

"Yow yow Lisaaa!" They shouted.

"Did you guys drink?"

"What? No!"

"Ok then, cause you guys look high."

"Pfft of course, it's a party, come in inside the pool."

"Nah, I can't swim." Lisa said made everyone shocked, except me and Jisoo. Of course Jisoo knows and I already knew cause I saved her from the fountain last time.

"YOU CAN'T SWIM!?" Irene and the others shouted in union, shocked.

"Omg guys stop shouting, what's the big deal. Lis just sit here and enjoy the foods then." I said as I went down the pool cause Kai is calling me to go over.

After having fun some time with Kai and the others, I turn to see how's Lisa doing. But she's just sitting on the edge of the pool, holding a glass of juice on her hand.

"Babe, I'll just go to Lisa."

"She's fine baby, just-"

"Just go and play with other guys first." I said as I released Kai's hand on my waist and swim over to where Lisa is and hop out then sit beside her. "Lis you okay?"

"Hmm? I'm fine." She smiled at me.

"I know you are boring up here since we are all down there."

"You guys are having fun, so it's okay, I'm used to be alone anyways."

"Don't say that Lili, I'm sad to see you here like this on my party. Come on, let's play truth or dare, so you can join also, no buts." I said seriously and gave her a look to make sure she won't deny it. And yeah she can't do anything with it and just nodded, I smiled in victory and called those guys to come up and play.

"Ok who's gonna spin the bottle first." Irene asked.

"Oh me me!" V said and started to spin the bottle, after a few turns it stops and pointed at Jisoo.

"So chicken, truth or dare." V asked, smile weirdly.

"Dare for sure." She said confidently.

"Well then, no chicken for one whole week." V said made Jisoo widened her eyes.

"WHAT! NO! I won't survive."

"Pfft, great then, one crackhead down." Lisa said made us all laughed, Jisoo glared at her and smack her head.

"Shut up monkey." She rolled her eyes at Lisa. "Ok No chicken for one week, my turn." She said then spin the bottle and this time it stopped on Kai.

"Dare." Kai said simply.

"Hmm.. I dare you to kiss Jennie." Jisoo said and I smirked, that's easy we are always kissing each other on cheeks. "Oh wait, I mean on lips." Jisoo smirked then added made me look at her in shock and mouthed her a WTF. It's my first kiss and I'm not ready to just give it to someone that I'm not sure with.

"Easy." Kai said and was about to kiss me when I suddenly said, "No wait I'll do the punishment." I said, everyone looked at me in confuse, especially Lisa, Kai seemed to be a little angry with it.

"Okay then, buy me chicken after my dare." Jisoo said.

"Deal." I said as I went to spin the bottle. Jisoo then put a thumbs up at me.

Everyone got pointed after some spins, except Lisa. She's really lucky huh? Well not on my party.

"Lili? You haven't played right? It's your turn then since we all did it." Everyone nod in agreement.

"Aish, okay." She sighed then continued, "I pick Truth."

"Hmm, who's gonna ask?"

"I will." Kai said then look to Lisa. "Your deepest secret?" He asked made us all look at Lisa.

But for the past few seconds, she's just sitting there not saying a word. I then look to Kai, "Baby why don't you change a question." I offered, cause I know this is hard for Lisa.

"Okay, then you like anyone?" He asked a new question.

"Yes." Lisa shortly replied.

"Who is it?"

"One question only, right?" Lisa said coldly.

"Well, almost all of us did it twice." Kai said looking around at us then look back to Lisa and smirked. "Why? Can't say? It's fine, we won't say it out, right guys?" Kai said with a low tone. Is it just me or is the atmosphere now getting tense, why are they acting like this.

"Kai, why are you like this, stop it. Lili it's fine if you don't wanna say."

"No it's fine, better than never right?" Lisa raised her brows at Kai then took a deep breath before answering, "Its J-" Suddenly her phone rang and cut her words. She then took out her phone and check it before she stood up. "Guys, it's late. I'll take a leave first, thanks for the party tonight, I had lots of fun." She said then took a glance at Kai, "Take care on your way home, I'll go now." She walk away and I quickly followed up.

"Wait Lisa let me open the door for you!"

"Thanks for the night Jen, see you at school then." She's about to go when I stop her again.

"Wait, I have a question."


"Who is the guy... that you like? Just curious, nothing else." I asked but she showed me a smile.

"I'll tell you when the time comes." Then went to unlock her bike, she took a glance at me before she ride off.

I sighed and went back to the party, we hang out a little bit more until we were all exhausted and they decided to go home. Kai asked if he could stay for the night, but I denied it, of course. We've only dated for 2 weeks, we basically know each other yet. After they were all gone, I asked the maid to help clean up the mess we made and went back to my room for a quick shower.

After some minutes, I finished showering and put on my pajamas then flopped on the bed, feeling exhausted. I was about to close my eyes and rest when I thought about earlier. I left out a heavy sigh, "Who is that guy... or a girl?" I ask myself, "It starts with a J, so...Jisoo? No way... Ugh who elese starts with a J... Jungkook? No they don't even know each other's existence. Ugh who is it!" I messed with my hair in frustration, just can't think of any more names that strats with a J. "Aish Nevermind, why am I so curious anyways, I'll just wait till she tells me." I then turn myself to the side and closed my eyes, but then remembered something that made me sighed again, "He's not the one..."

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