The Break Up

After the pool party, Jennie and Kai's relationship slowly turns into a downfall. Kai started to snub and ignoring her, unlike before, always sticking around her. He seldom made excuses that he's busy with school works since he's a senior and soon going to graduate. But Jennie, she knows that's not it, so she always tries to find a way to talk with him and solve the problems through conversations. But turns out, it has only gotten worse. Rumors about them started to appear, people gossip around, choosing sides.

[Lisa's POV]

I'm walking down the hallway with Jisoo heading to our lockers. Our lockers are all on the same roll, start from the left with Nayeon's at first, followed by Irene, Jisoo, and me. Then beside mine, there's Jennie and V's. When we arrived at the locker area we saw a group of people was gathering there in front of our lockers.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"No idea, let's go up and ask," Jisoo said and went up to them, but when they saw us, they quickly ran away with some spray cans left on the floor. I walk up to see what they did, as I saw Jennie's locker, I furrowed my brows. It was full of slander words that insult Jennie.

"Yah what the fuck you assholes!" Jisoo yelled after seeing what I saw and was about chase up but I stopped her. "Yah let me go, enough is enough, this is way too much." She struggled and said.

"Stop it Jisoo, clam down!" I raised my voice, "Being like this won't help at all, if they'll stop by giving them lessons, they would have stopped already." I then release her, she was just looking at me sadly, wanted to say something but didn't. I turn and took a glance at her locker again, seeing these really raise my anger, but what's sadder is that I can't do anything with it. I heaved a sigh then opened my locker, took out some wet tissues.

"Unnie, help me clean this up, I don't want Jennie to see any of this, make sure there won't be any marks left on it." I sighed again as I started to wipe the things off. "Don't blame yourself, this ain't your fault." She said, patting my shoulder and also left out a sigh before she starts wiping.

We spent 10 minutes cleaning that, those shits really sprayed a lot on it. We are now having History, I turn my head over to see how's Jennie at the back but she seems off. She's just staring at her phone under the desk, her desk empty, didn't even take out her books.

"Ahem, Ms. Kim?" The teacher called, but no response. "Jennie Kim?" The teacher raised his voice a bit, I signed V to nudge her a bit, and finally, she's back to sense.

"Coz, the teacher is calling you," V whispered.

Jennie quickly stood up and bowed, "Sorry sir." She said apologetically.

"Ms. Kim, this isn't the first time you're like this, it's been a whole week. Deal with your things after class, now listen." The teacher said in a serious tone then signed her to sit.

"Coz what's wrong with you, you seemed really off these days," V asked but she just shook her head and look back down at her phone. I look at her, concerned. What's actually going on with her and Kai, I thought, don't have any clue.

When the teacher told us our class is over and we can leave now, I saw Jennie quickly went out so I followed her secretly. She stopped in front of the senior's room, looking through the window finding someone. Then some girls passed over her.

Girl 1: "Aish she's here again, isn't she tired?"

Girl 2: "Why would she, she deserves all this, she stole him right? I pity for the girl who was supposed to be Kai's girlfriend."

Girl 1: "I know right! Such a bitch, no wait, a slut would suit her more."

They said then laugh out loud, I know Jennie heard all of it cause her expression changed with her eyes soaking a bit. Just when I'm hiding behind the wall watching her, suddenly someone called my name.


"Shh shh" I signed to be quiet then I quickly turn back to see Jennie and she's gone. "Shit, what!" I asked.

"Oh um, Sir told me that you still have some makeup works to do and it's due tomorrow." The guy said.

"Okok got it," I said then quickly left to find Jennie. "Ugh, where did she go!" I'm panic and concerned, looking for her everywhere. I then quickly went to check the garden when I thought about it, and there she is. I heard her sobbing when I walk near her, I sat beside her then pull her to me and hug her tight. "I'm here now, I'm here," I said, then I felt her hands gripping my shirt tightly as she crying hard. "Shh, it's fine Nini, I'm here now, everything's going to be fine." I pat her back continuously, furious about the gossips that made her like this, also blaming myself for can't do anything with it.

For the past few minutes, I was just comforting her, hoping she would calm down soon so I can know what actually happens. After some more time, she stopped crying and let off the hug.

"Feeling better now?" I asked, smiled a bit, wiping her left tears off with my thumb. She then nodded still not talking. "Do you know that you look really cute while crying, a cutie mandu," I said trying to light up the atmosphere and I succeed. She chuckled a bit then hit my arms playfully.

"Aish stop it." She said leaning her head on my shoulder, "Sorry for making your shirt a mess cause of my... ya know tears and snots." She chuckled, so did I. "And thanks for finding me, I really need that earlier, your warm hug." I blushed a little at what she said.

"My warm hugs?" I asked and she nodded.

"You are really huggable." She said and snuggled on my shoulder then side hugs me.

"Really? Let me hug you more then." I said then hugged her tightly, she giggled and hit my chest lightly.

"Yah, too tight." I giggled then pull out the hug and look at her seriously.

"Mind tell me what actually happened?" I asked help moved aside the hair that blocked her face.

"I'm not crying about Kai just to let you know." She said made me giggled.

"I know, he's not worth crying. Sorry... cause I can't do anything to stop the rumors." I said looking down, but then she lifts up my head.

"Don't be sorry Lili, it's not your fault at all. I'm glad that you are here with me, and that's enough." She said sincerely, made me smile faintly. Then she left out a sigh before she continued, "I'm thinking of break up. What do you think?"

She asked, I'm actually really happy to hear that, she should have broken up with that dickhead a long time ago. But still, putting my selfishness aside first, "Depends on why?"

"Well, after the pool party he started to ignore me. These days he ignores me more often, he uses lame excuses to not talk to me. I sent him messages but he always left me to read, or sometimes he replies and said he's gotta go now and be right back, but he's never back. I just wanna talk the problems out, I know he's not ignoring me for no reason." She said made me nodded, "I actually know what's the reason he's being like this though..."

"What is it?" I asked, she then look down.

"We never kissed.. on lips. It's just, I don't wanna just give my first kiss to a random guy you know? He always wants to kiss me but I always made excuses to avoid it. And plus, he always likes to touch my butt, that pervert. How am I supposed to give him my first kiss knowing he's like that?" She said and rolled her eyes. My blood boils when I heard the part that he's touching her butt. "Yah Lisa, are you listening? Why are you clenching your fist all of a sudden?"

I didn't realize I was clenching my fist at all, "Nothing, it's just he's touching my Nini's butt." I whined and pouted, made her chuckled, and pinched my face.

"Aish Lili is jealous? Don't be, I slapped his hand away every time he touches." She said showing me how she slapped his hand. I chuckled at her cuteness, "So.. what do you think? Should I break up with him?" She asked again.

"Hmm.. I'll say you should," I said casually, acting like I don't care but I actually do, a lot. She just nodded after hearing what I said, didn't say anything more.


[Still Lisa's POV]


Someone called my name in a far distance, by hearing the voice, I know it's Jennie. I was about to turn but she suddenly jumped on my back, making me almost lost my balance.

"Woah Woah! Careful Nini, we might fall if you hop on like this."

"No worries, I know you'll catch me." She said smiling like a kid.

"What makes you so happy huh? You're smiling to your ears."

"I broke up, I'm free again." She said as she hopped off from my back.

"WHAT!? Really? How?" I asked in shock, never thought she would break up like that just because I told her she should.

"Why so shock? Aren't you happy for me?" She furrowed her brows.

"Of course I'm happy, I'm feeling like gonna die soon because of happiness right now," I said holding my chest acting like I can't breathe.

"Pfft, stop the drama silly." She hit my chest playfully and chuckled.

"But how?" I asked her curiously, cause she told me Kai is not meeting her nor messaging her back.

"Wait, let me show you on here." She then took out a pen and a notebook from her bag then flipped to a blank page. She started to draw a chat screen and the names and some dialog boxes like the ones on messenger, and write some words in it. "Here, that's how we broke up." She hands it over to me, I grabbed it and started to read.



J: Let's break up


Kai: What! Why?


Kai: Fine, break up then.


"Wow, that's fast and simple. You could just show me your phone you know?" I said as I hand her back the notebook. She chuckled then cling to my arm.

"I wanna show you in drawing. Good that he didn't say much, so I won't need to blab shits with him. Let's go to class now, I wanna learn something today since I haven't been studying for days cause of that dickhead." She said then started dragging me, I chuckled and just let her.

"Well, I guess my chance is coming now. Hope everything goes smoothly." I smiled secretly at my thought.

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