"Well, can it be done?"
Dr Jarman and Kim Singh were in the doctor's office looking at the notes he had made of his conversation with Tilly.
Kim's face was shining with enthusiasm. "Of course it can be done. It's perfect. It's the opportunity of a lifetime. It has to be done."
"We'll have to persuade Dr Horton, of course," Dr Jarman mused.
"No we won't," said Kim. "Although why he would refuse, I cannot imagine. The Thompsons are free agents. They can choose any doctor they like. Or choose to have none at all." He beamed his delight. "It would be a great project."
Dr Jarman relented. "Very well, Kim. Let's go and discuss it with the good doctor."
"I don't know." Dr Horton was shaking his head. "I don't like it. It sounds like a hare-brained scheme to me."
"But," Kim was so eager it was almost painful, "if they want to do it. And it can't do any harm, surely. There'd be no harm in just going to look at the place, surely."