Chapter 31

Angela came breezing in to Rosalba's shop, her hair tied back in a scarf and a canvas bag swinging from her shoulder.

"Rosalba," she cried out, as she went through to the back kitchen and dumped the bag on the table.

Rosalba was standing at the stove, grumbling to herself.

"You're late," she said, without turning round. "The coffee was ready ten minutes ago."

"Sorry," said Angela, reaching up to a shelf for the glasses. "I saw a nice herb by the side of the road and stopped to pick it."

She put the glasses on the table and rummaged in her bag.

"See!" she said, holding aloft a small sprig with tiny purple flowers.

Rosalba stopped, with the coffee pot poised over the glasses, and looked suspiciously at the posy.

"It's only lavender," she said. "Surely to God everybody knows what lavender looks like."

Angela sat down with a thump, suddenly overwhelmed by her own inadequacy.