Chapter 32

Domingo lay with his head against Angela's breast and his hand resting on her belly. Angela smiled down at the top of his head. He amazed her. When she had first met him, she had been so entranced by his beauty and so filled with longing for himthat she had hardly thought at all about his personality. If anything, she was touched by his naivety.

But she had underestimated him. He had no academic education, but he knew things. Take that chimney. When she had told him how clever she thought he was, he had replied that it wasn't the building of the chimney which was difficult, it was working out exactly the shape of the bend so that the smoke would go out, but the wind could not blow it back in. She had never considered this aspect of chimney-building, but discovered later, visiting friends with less resourceful husbands, that most other people's chimneys smoked abominably, no doubt due to an ill-considered bend.