Angela went every other day to the shop, equipped with pen and paper, and assiduously copied down everything Rosalba told her. Rosalba was fascinated.
"Why do you do that?" she asked.
Angela gave her a shy smile. "I cannot remember things as you do, Rosalba," she said. "I have to write everything down instead."
Rosalba thought about this. "So," she said, "writing is instead of remembering."
Angela hesitated. There seemed to be something wrong with the argument, but she couldn't put her finger on it. "I suppose so," she said.
"Ai," said Rosalba, "if only I could write, there are so many things I could forget!"
"I don't think it works quite like that," said Angela. "Although it may help a little. Like it helps to talk about it."
Rosalba frowned, but said nothing.
"When I told Domingo about my unhappy memories," she explained, "it did not take them away, but it eased the pain a little."
Rosalba nodded. "Perhaps so," she said.