"What is this?" asked Domingo, looking over her shoulder.
"It is a letter. A foreign gentleman brought it just now."
"Hey," said Domingo, impressed. "What does it say?"
"How should I know?" asked Rosalba, her voice tight with frustration.
Domingo was astounded. Rosalba could not read? He thought Rosalba knew everything. He turned his face away and fiddled with the coffee pot.
"I expect," he said over his shoulder, "that Angela will read it for us when she wakes."
He said this quite loudly, and Angela stirred in her sleep.
"I think," he said, louder still, "that she will happy to do it."
"Do what?" came a sleepy voice from the couch.
"Rosalba has a letter!" announced Domingo.
"Yes, I know," said Angela, turning over with every intention of going back to sleep. The baby beside her wriggled slightly but did not wake.
"This is a new one," said Rosalba, her voice a little higher than usual.