"Ouch! Oh, bloody hell!"
Domingo looked up from the other room.
"What? What is it?"
"I just can't believe he hasn't got any teeth," said Angela, looking down at the baby who was furiously suckling. "It really hurts."
"Hey, hey," said Domingo, hearing the tears in her voice, and running across to her. "There," he said, holding her against him and rocking her gently. "We'll tell Rosalba when she comes. She'll do something. And as for you," he said, stroking the baby's head. "You be more gentle with your Mama. The milk will come without you savaging her."
The baby turned his head, without relinquishing the nipple, and looked directly at Domingo. He did seem to slacken slightly.
"Rosalba says they can't see properly for the first few days," said Angela, "but he always seems to look right at you."
"Well, I think he can see something," said Domingo, "and he can certainly hear. But you're right. It's hard to believe he's not seeing everything."