Chapter 25

José gave him a dismissive glance. "Here's these two chicas,"he went on, as if no-one had interrupted him. "One of them as fat as butter, coming here with no idea of what is going on."He leant over and spat into the hearth. "And nobody's telling them."He turned back to Alison. "You,"he said, pointing a trembling finger at her, "are in danger and your fat friend is in even more danger. He likes them fat. She will call to him. You keep your doors and windows locked and don't go out after dark without a couple of strong men beside you."

"What happened to her?"Alison whispered. "The other fat English lady. What happened?"

"What happened?"the old man repeated furiously. "What do you think happened? He killed her, that's what happened. He sucked every bit of fat off her body. When they found her she was nothing but skin and bone. Do you understand?"He leant forward and shook his finger in front of Alison's face. "This is not a joke. He kills them. Especially the fat ones."