Chapter 26

"That's much better."Heather's trousers sat snugly at her waist, showing no inclination to slide down. Alison eyed her critically. "You don't think it could be that you're actually losing weight, do you?"

"I wish,"Heather said. "I gave up dieting years ago."

Nevertheless, Alison thought she did look slimmer. She didn't remember that Heather had a waist when she first met her.


The next few days seemed to pass very slowly. Alison felt fidgety. She had become determined to find out what had happened to Miss Blacker. Somebody must know and she was prepared to shake it out of them if necessary. But all she had was this preposterous story about a fat-eating vampire. She seemed to have come to a dead end and she couldn't think what to do next.

Heather was no help at all. She had been very quiet the last couple of days. Doing a lot of staring into space, sleeping in in the mornings and over-sleeping the siesta, reluctant to do anything more energetic.