The day dawned white and misty. The fire had gone out and Athena shivered with the cold. She adjusted the temperature of her suit and scouted around to see whether the Titans had left any food. She had been too tired to eat the night before. Grumbling to herself, she checked her backpack for emergency rations. Joy, oh joy! A whole bar of chocolate. She sat by the embers of the fire and began to munch.
"What's that you're eating?"
It was Prometheus, looking as fresh as if he had spent the previous day relaxing.
"Chocolate. Want some?"
She didn't really want to share but it was the only decent thing to do.
Prometheus eyed the chocolate suspiciously. "But what is it?"
"It's er." Athena racked her brain to remember where chocolate came from. "It's from a bean," she said at last. "Or at least, it used to be. Of course it's all made synthetically these days."