They jogged along for the best part of a day, the Titans at an easy lope that seemed to eat up the miles, the two girls at a more awkward trot. Athena could feel exhaustion coming on but refused to ease the pace. She would be mortified to be the one who slowed them down or, worse still, be left behind. She glanced sideways at Artemis, who was running along gamely, apparently without effort, but her lips were pressed tightly together and her eyes had a strained expression.
Then Prometheus halted and held up a hand. Athena heard his thought as clearly as if he had spoken aloud. They are up ahead. All of them together. We will get close. Silence, even in your thoughts.
Athena wondered how on earth you silenced your thoughts, realising as she did so that if they could think to each other, then Atlas and his men could also hear them. She tried not to think of anything but had no way of knowing if it was working.