Hephaestus was lying on his bed staring at his new feet. As far as he could tell they were identical to his old feet. In fact, if he didn't feel slightly woozy from the anaesthetic and have a dull pain in his ankles, he might have been able to believe that nothing had ever happened to them. Apollo said he would be able to walk on them in a few days but he would need support for a while since his leg muscles had weakened with lack of use. He had already made himself a pair of callipers in a strong but pliable material. Hades had discovered it a couple of months ago and he had thought then it might be ideal, strong enough to give support but not as heavy as most metals. He had lined them with down from a bird's nest that Artemis had found. He kept glancing at them and then back to his feet. The very thought of walking again made him feel as excited as a schoolboy.