Chapter 27

"So what do you think?" The girls were in Artemis's kitchen and Athena was squatting on the ground making a fuss of Selena. "Can we do it?"

"I don't see why not," said Artemis. "In the olden days they must have done everything themselves. Let's look up how they made babies' beds."

They spent the next couple of hours reading up on various methods, most of which involved chopping down trees and using tools they'd never heard of.

"Wait a minute, what about this?" Athena was pointing at a page describing basket-weaving. "This looks easy enough. You just get reeds from the river bank and weave them together and you end up with a basket. They're rather nice, aren't they?" She looked approvingly at several pictures of perfect baskets of different shapes and sizes,

Artemis came and looked over her shoulder. "Perfect," she said. "We'll collect some reeds today and make a start. And tomorrow I'll catch a sheep for the lining."

"You're going to line it with a sheep?"