The Tribe was gathered at the foot of the cliff, looking up at the figures coming onto the top. The Mother led the way ─ Pandora in full ceremonial dress. At her side was Epimetheus, looking self-conscious in his king's robes. One pace behind them came the King ? the Old King ? now stripped of his regalia and wearing only a tunic. He looked old and confused and stumbled slightly. The young men on either side of him took his elbows to steady him.
Prometheus watched; his mouth dry. He was gripped by a sudden dread. He knew the stories but he had somehow never associated them with real life. He had never thought of the King as the Sacred King; he who must be sacrificed. The King was his friend. He had taught him everything he knew. It was the King who had taught him how to hunt and fish, how to release the blade from the piece of flint, how to make a dart that flew straight and true. He had loved the Old King almost as much as he had loved his mother and now he must watch him die.