Chapter 31

Artemis's kitchen resembled a slaughterhouse with great sides of meat hanging from the ceiling.

"I shall be glad when Hephaestus gets around to making some proper kitchen equipment. The fridge in the surgery isn't big enough to hold all this stuff and it soon goes off if you don't eat it quick.

"He's making stuff now," Athena said, gently cupping the little bird in her hands and pulling it out of her suit. "When I saw him last he was busy making furniture for Hera. He's got a factory set up in his workshop and it's turning out beds and tables one after another. I expect we'll all have proper beds to sleep in by the end of the week."

"Hera! Why does bloody Hera always get first call? Here, give it to me." She reached for the bird and Athena backed away. "It's all right. I'm not going to hurt it. I just want to see what kind it is so I know what to feed it. Oh, thank God for that," as Athena passed her the bird and she examined it. "It's a carnivore."