Chapter 34

A few days later Nyctimene took her first steps. She half fell out of her basket and began to stagger across the bed. She looked so comical that Athena couldn't help laughing at her. The little owl was horribly affronted and turned her back on her, her whole body language showing how upset she was.

"Nyctimene, I wasn't making fun of you. I was laughing because you delight me. Turn round, Nyctimene."

Nyctimene turned, her eyes huge and sorrowful, and Athena, overcome with remorse, took her in her arms.

Now she could see and walk, Nyctimene was into everything, tumbling over every five minutes and staggering about like a drunkard.

"She's just like a human child," said Hestia and began to laugh. Athena ordered her out of the room.