Chapter 42

This was a new Prometheus. He seemed taller and stronger somehow; more confident. What had happened to change him?

Artemis helped Apollo put the boy on the stretcher and was about to take up one end when Prometheus came forward and gently moved her to one side. "I will do it," he said, taking up the stretcher, and he and Apollo lifted it into the ambulance. "Thank you," said Apollo. Prometheus nodded and went back to the boy's mother. Athena gave one look back and then climbed in after Apollo.

"Wait!" Prometheus held out the bloody staff. "Take this."

Athena backed away. "I don't want to. I don't want to touch it."

"Take it! I don't trust Pandora with it. I'll take it back when we get to Olympus."

Her lip curled with disgust but she took it from him and stowed it in the ambulance under the stretcher.

Prometheus watched the machine rise up and hover for a moment like an eagle, then it shimmered slightly and sped away up into the air towards the high mountain.