Athena was working in the garden with Demeter when Nyctimene came swooping towards her, squawking with excitement. COME NOW! she cried. Come to the boy!
Athena looked up in alarm. "Prometheus? Do you mean Prometheus?"
Yes, the other one. Not one of us. Your friend. Bring Artemis. Bring the stone.
Athena was baffled by the reference to a stone but she called Artemis, who was hunting further down the mountain. "Prometheus is in trouble. Can you come? Pick me up at the garden. He said to bring the stone. I don't know what he means."
"He probably means the diagnostic pad. He thinks it can raise the dead. I'll bring my bag. See you in a minute."
Demeter looked up, puzzled. "Who are you talking to?"
"Artemis - she's just down there." Athena pointed down the mountain and Demeter followed her gaze, shading her eyes against the sun. "I can't see her."
"She's in the woods, just below that ridge."
"We were doing the thinking thing.
Demeter looked vaguely alarmed.