Prometheus shrugged. "They have always been there. Sometimes when the hunting is bad the Queen will paint another." He took her hand again and led her over to a painting of a huge bull. "My mother painted that one."
The bull looked down at her with its wicked red eyes and she gave an involuntary shiver. "You don't hunt things that size, surely?"
She and Artemis had come across a herd of these great cattle one day and Artemis had told her to keep down and not attract their attention.
Prometheus laughed aloud. "These are the best eating," he said. "We travel a long, long way to hunt them."
There were tiny stick figures in amongst the animals and Athena thought how puny they looked next to the great bulls.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of the Tribe returning and Prometheus let go of her hand again. She folded her fingers over her palm and imagined she could feel the memory of his hand lying there.