Chapter 47

He looked surprised. "Didn't you make all these houses?" he said, waving his hand vaguely about to indicate all the houses in Newhome.

"No, I didn't. I helped. Everyone did. But Hestia designed them and told us how to do it. Why does she want one, anyway?"

She knew the answer, of course. Bloody Aphrodite! Showing her all the wonders of Newhome; leaving her to make the inevitable comparison between her own squalid life and the civilised life of the Olympians.

Prometheus sighed again. "I don't know. Why would she? She is the Queen. She's supposed to live with the Tribe. Why would she want a house?"

"Oh well, I don't suppose it matters why. We'd better see what we can do. Can you go away and let me get dressed?"

He looked at her. "But you are dressed."