They sat side by side behind the house, with Demeter's chickens scratching in the dust around their feet, and looked down the mountain towards the sea.
"Do you still love Pandora?"
Prometheus turned and looked at her, surprised.
"Of course I do." But his face screwed up like that of a child about to burst into tears. In fact, for a moment Athena thought he might actually do just that, but instead he looked up at the sky for a minute or so and then added. "But I don't like her as much as I used to do."
He remained gazing at the sky without speaking for so long that Athena prompted him. "Since she became Queen?"
Prometheus's voice was hoarse. Perhaps he really was on the verge of tears. "Yes. Since she became Queen."
"I can understand that," Athena said quietly. "When she is the Mother she is terrifying."
Prometheus gave a short, barking laugh. "I don't care about that," he said. "My own mother was the Queen. I know the difference." He fell silent for a moment.