Chapter 55

That night Athena had a really weird dream. She was sitting at a very small desk watching a purple horse who was pointing at a large waxed poster on the wall. "This," said the horse, "is a Mandelbrot, proving that even though maths is horribly boring it can still produce beautiful things." She woke up with an absolutely crystal clear memory of where she had seen the Mandelbrot set before. It was years ago when she was first learning maths and finding it really difficult. "I hate it!" she had cried. "It's horribly boring." And Hestia had pulled up the picture of the Mandelbrot. It had not been exactly the same as the one Hephaestus had shown her. It had some red and orange in it rather than just being blue and gold. But it was near enough.

Oddly, identifying the memory made her feel very happy. Now she knew she really had seen it before, it seemed a lot less spooky. She leapt out of bed and, after minimal ablutions, set off for Artemis's stable.