Chapter 54

She scanned the horizon, looking through Nyctimene's eyes, and there they were; Poseidon riding the big stallion, Tros riding the larger of the two mares and leading the little one on a rope. She couldn't see Prometheus at first and panicked; then she realised he was riding in front of Poseidon, astride the horse's neck, completely dwarfed by the big man's bulk. He was leaning sideways to look up at Poseidon and chatting away nineteen to the dozen. Athena marvelled. Only a few days ago Prometheus had been terrified of Poseidon and now here he was, riding on a horse with him, chatting away like old friends. She began to run towards them.

"Hey, Prometheus!" she called as soon as she was near enough for him to hear her. He turned and grinned at her, then slid from the horse and ran towards her.

"Hey, Athena!"