Chapter 57

The next morning when she woke up she was ashamed of herself. She took special care to look nice for the visit to the winter camp. Not that Prometheus ever paid any attention to what she was wearing.

She waited until they had finished fishing and were cleaning their catch. Athena was feeling rather proud of herself. She'd caught more fish today than ever before six big silvery ones. Prometheus was pleased with her.


"Hmm?" He didn't look up. He wasn't really listening. He was watching his new knife slide through the skin bone and flesh of the fish like water.

"I want to apologise."


"I want to say I'm sorry."

That got his attention. He dropped the knife and sprang up. "Athena," he said, taking both her hands in his and looking into her eyes. "What is it? What happened to make you sorry?"

"I was mean yesterday," she said. "I shouldn't have tried to bully you into taking the nectar. I should've respected your decision to grow old if you want."