Chapter 58

I really should do something about my promise to Pandora, she thought. She hadn't really meant to do it; it had just slipped out. She was so upset that Pandora didn't seem to appreciate all the hard work they had done especially Hestia, who had put so much into it.

Afterwards Hestia had shrugged and said, "Well, at least that's over now and I can get on with my real life." And she had squatted down on the floor to play with Persephone. I wish I was more like Hestia, Athena thought. I get so cross.

Hephaestus's door was open and she could hear him singing inside as he worked. She gave a perfunctory knock on the door-frame before walking in. Hephaestus looked up. "Hey, Athena! Just the person I need right now. How did you know?"

Athena grinned at him. He was the only person in the world who never treated her like a child and always seemed genuinely pleased to see her. Except Prometheus, she amended. He is always pleased to see me.