The sun was low in the sky when they met up at the pod park, Hephaestus carrying a splendid shiny cage and Athena clutching a large bag of sheep's wool.
"I think this will be good," she said, pulling a piece out to show him. "It's what I line Nyctimene's nest with and she finds it very comfortable, don't you, darling?"
Nyctimene nodded.
They landed in the usual place, near the new house, which stood out against the sky looking somehow lonely and uncared-for.
"I promised Pandora we'd fix it up with nice things," said Athena.
"I heard you," said Hephaestus.
"Would you mind?"
"Not at all, but I want to do this first."
"Of course," said Athena, greatly cheered. She couldn't see how she could have done it without Hephaestus.
They went down the hill to the woods and placed the cage, under Nyctimene's direction, in a wide clearing.
"Won't they see it and be suspicious?" asked Hephaestus.