"OK, here we are," said Hephaestus, coming through the door carrying another plastic box which he began to fill with a mixture of cereal and bacon. Nyctimene opened one eye and watched him. One little mouse won't need all that, she said.
"You're absolutely right," said Hephaestus, passing her half the slice. Athena rolled her eyes. "Mmmm," said Nyctimene.
"Right, which one shall we choose?" Athena and Hephaestus were bending over the cage, looking at the heap of trembling mice.
"I like that one with the big eyes," said Athena. Then, realising she might be condemning it to death, she hastily changed her mind. "No, that one with the scrawny tail."
Hephaestus laughed.
"OK, he gets it," he said, reaching in and scooping up the unfortunate creature.
He placed it carefully in the transporter and closed the door. Then he looked at Athena. "Do you want to do it?"