The object that had caused such a row seemed to be nothing more than some kind of box or maybe a jar. It was circular and squat with a protuberance in the centre which looked not unlike the lip of a jar, but there was no handle and no obvious way of opening it. He picked it up and turned it in his hands. It was seamless and completely smooth. The potter who shaped this was a master of his trade. He tried poking the thing at the top, but it was solid and unyielding.
"Put that down!" The voice took him by surprise and Prometheus very nearly dropped the vessel.
"Sorry," said Hephaestus, "I didn't mean to startle you; it's just these things are rather sensitive."
Gently, he removed the box from Prometheus's hands and placed it on a high shelf. Then, turning to the boy, "To what do I owe this pleasure?"
Prometheus just stared at him; then turned and bolted out of the workshop, running hell for leather after Athena.