When she got back to Newhome, Hestia took one look at her and put her straight to bed.
"Whatever have you been doing, child? I have never seen you look so ill."
Athena did indeed look ill; her face waxy and pale, with deep shadows under her eyes. She protested weakly, but settled down gratefully to being cosseted by Hestia. She slept.
She slept for the best part of three days. The encounter with the Mother seemed to have drained her completely. Hestia woke her from time to time and fed her soup and hot drinks. Then she slept again.
After three days she awoke feeling completely back to normal and bounded downstairs. Hestia caught her just as she was going out of the door.
"And where do you think you're going?"
Athena started guiltily and looked back at Hestia, who was standing with her hands on her hips, just as she used to do when Athena was misbehaving as a child.
"The winter camp," she muttered.