Charlisse clung to the cold iron bars and closed her eyes. Lord, where are you? Have you forgotten me?
A chilled breeze struck her. Yes, He has left you like all the other men in your life.
Forcing back tears, Charlisse scanned the hold as her eyes grew accustomed to the darkness. Familiar shadows emerged like demons preparing an assault. She drew a deep breath and immediately regretted it. Human waste, moldy wood, rotting food, and rat fecesthe foul odors of the bilgeattacked her, strangling her breath.
Yet still, in her despair, memories rose of her imprisonment on her father's pirate ship and how the Lord had protected her so miraculously.
Father, I don't hear you. I don't see you. I don't feel your presence. Where are you?
Charlisse shivered. He is not here …