"You know what to do, don't you?" Anko asked as they ran to the gallery and stepped out of their shoes.
"Bow a lot," Shota said.
"Don't bow too much," Azuki admonished. "You have to get it just right. Don't be pushy!"
"Speak very politely." Anko added, using words at the level of politeness she wanted them to use. Anko brought them to a quick halt outside the reception room door. "Don't speak out of turn. Let him speak to you. Let him draw you out."
Azuki pinned Shota with a glance. "Don't be cheeky! At least pretend to be humble!"
Kiyo bowed and slid the door open. They slipped inside, Anko first. She bowed very formally, then made her way to the corner behind her mother. There she would be out of sight, and she hoped also out of mind, so they wouldn't send her away. Anko wouldn't miss this if she could help it. Anko loved knowing things and what happened here would be worth knowing!