Chapter 45

They left Lord Eitaro's residence with a document establishing the children's human existence, Shota's inheritance, Yuta's guardianship, and confirming the ownership of all they possessed. This was worded broadly enough to encompass Shota's boat. It included the two horses, too. As Samurai, although very lowly ones, they could legally ride. All of Shota's money was covered, too! Azuki thought they'd have to tell Sensei no, Uncle about that very soon. Shota was almost beside himself with glee. He wanted to change into a sparrow so he could soar to the sky, do loop-de-loops and dive at his sister to show his happiness.

Azuki rejoiced quietly. Home and safe! Home where they could be themselves! It might be hard for them to pursue their individual goals but at least they would have that chance.

At a small restaurant, they stopped for tea and some snacks that together composed a light lunch, for the inn only served breakfast and dinner.