Chapter 62

When Hanako brought more tea and food, she formally met Tsuruko. Tsuruko-san would require a room, Yuta told her, but might not use it every night. Hanako-san was not to worry about that. She also might not join them for every meal, though she was welcome to do so, and Hanako-san was not to worry about that, either. Hanako-san also needed to know that there would be a crane about the property who was to be given every courtesy.

Hanako bowed deeply. If Sensei wanted her to accept this new development with aplomb, she would, even if that development was, by ordinary standards, impossible. Whatever might come next? She took the used dishes to the kitchen and went to make up the room dedicated to their new guest. Hanako hoped this Tsuruko could help her dear Azuki-chan. She would give Tsuruko-san every comfort and courtesy she could muster, whatever form she took, even if, from her normal human point of view, the entire situation was beyond the limits of belief.